The Infinite Capacity Podcast
Andrea Morton "The Midlife Mom Coach" helps stressed, overwhelmed parents manage their emotions and improve their relationships. She also helps empty nesters navigate the transition and create their brilliant new chapter!
The Infinite Capacity Podcast explores how Moms can shift our mindset, and harness our passions and strengths to become the very best version of ourselves possible. Lots of skills & tools here that women can use immediately! (AWESOME BONUS: inspiring interviews!)
The Infinite Capacity Podcast
Saying 'Goodbye For Now' To Our Older Teens
Parents in midlife are often called on to say “goodbye for now” to our older teens as they begin launching into independent adult lives.
Whether our older teens are headed to university, their first job & apartment, military service, backpacking the world or even getting married, there is no official manual for how to say goodbye to children who are becoming adults.
For some parents letting go and saying 'adieu' is a joyful celebration; while for others it may be a painful, fraught process.
Podcast host Andrea Morton is about to experience all of this for the very first time as a midlife Mom, when she brings her 18 year old son to stay at his new university on the East Coast of the United States (as a college freshman).
Morton wonders, “Is there a ‘right’ way or ‘wrong’ way to let our older teens go?”
With the hope of better understanding how to navigate the big upcoming ‘drop-off’ with confidence and grace, she researches the topic and dives deeper into best practices for saying farewell to our older teens.
This episode shares a variety of thoughtful, fun recommendations from various professionals and college students for what may help ease this rite of passage for parents & older teens, and set everyone up for the “best” goodbye.
Featured Resources:
Grown & Flown
Mama Bear legal forms
Need some coaching feedback about your own life? Ask Andrea your question by emailing andrea@thinktothrivecoaching.com!
You can also reach out via Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn @thinktothrivecoaching