The Infinite Capacity Podcast

Teaching Women To Sell From The Heart, Featuring Catherine Watkin

Andrea Morton Season 3 Episode 50

Did you know that 42% of all U.S. businesses are owned by women?  It's true - according to The Motley Fool every single day 1,817 new American businesses are started by women in this country.  Approximately 252 million women around the world are entrepreneurs. That's a LOT of hard-working, creative and motivated women out there... many of whom are also mothers, and a lot of whom support their own families.

Yet, women who start businesses often really struggle with the 'selling' component of their business; the marketing. They don't like being 'pushy' and they often feel uncomfortable with selling their services.  There is a lot of research out there about why women in business don't speak up or ask for their worth, why they often feel imposter syndrome or fall into people-pleasing. It's a real dilemma for a lot of female business owners.

Catherine Watkin recognized this situation and understood that, with her background & experience, she could teach women to develop a real comfort with sales.  As a U.K. expert in Heart-Centered Sales, she teaches heart-centered business owners worldwide how to get more clients saying, "Yes!" by showing them how to have conversations that feel authentic and congruent.

Catherine has built an amazing & highly successful membership program where she helps heart-centered businesses make, in her words, 'the difference they are here to make, by helping them become comfortable in sales.'

In today's interview we dig deep into how Catherine developed her expertise. She also shares a lot of great insights to get female business owners started on their journey of becoming great at marketing and making offers in a way that doesn't feel 'icky!'

Whether you're a female business owner, someone considering starting your own business or just a woman who struggles with promoting yourself, this episode is a great listen full of useful tips!

To learn more about Catherine, please visit her website:

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