The Infinite Capacity Podcast

Self-Talk Matters

Andrea Morton Season 3 Episode 44

As Moms we can be pretty hard on ourselves.  We try to be all things to all people and when it doesn't always work out, we may say negative things in our head... like, "That was really stupid of me," or "I'm the world's worst mom."

Self-talk matters a lot more than we may suspect; in fact, the way we talk to ourselves as we go through our days can actually have a powerful effect upon our relationships, our work, and whether or not we actually achieve our hopes and dreams.

In this week's episode, Infinite Capacity Podcast host and midlife mom coach Andrea Morton shares real-life stories about self talk, teaches about various different kinds of negative self talk, and introduces listeners to life coaching principles that can help any mom begin to speak to herself differently when things go wrong.

You'll be saying to yourself, "I'm so glad I listened to that!" as you begin to see the immediate and long-term effects of positive, constructive self-talk within your own life and relationships.

Need some coaching feedback about your own life? Ask Andrea your question by emailing!

You can also reach out via Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn @thinktothrivecoaching